Greetings, everyone, I’m delighted to introduce my new contemporary mystery, END OF THE RACE, a family drama surrounding an Olympic hopeful swimmer whose husband and coach mysteriously disappears in the midst of training for the China Olympics.
Progress on this novel has been slowed by the turmoils of the national scene, which consumed my head and made all else seem irrelevant. I’m back at the keyboard, eager to re-engage with my writing self, reading self, and yours. Actually, the two halves of myself arise from the same core fascination with American life and culture and the same core question. Why do people do what they do?
Sometimes “people” refers to entire populations—Americans protesters of all stripes, voting blocs—sometimes to individuals, sometimes to myself, but all are driven by the inexhaustible “Why?”
Why do people vanish?
What drives Olympians?
How do their stories end?
Launch date, May 5, 2021
End of the Race is set in Michigan, in a fictional village on the shores of Traverse Bay. For half of my life—the years growing up in Chicago and raising my family in Michigan, this was Vacationland, and my love for it endures in this book. Annika Berglund and Brian Wolfson are children of that country, bonded since childhood by their love of swimming.
What transformed that love into a race for the Gold, a bond that carries them through college, into marriage and parenthood, and why, in the midst of training, would Brian disappear? Those are the questions that drive the story. Annika’s search for Brian carries her both into the past and the culture breach that divides their families, and back to the present, deep into the character and relationships that have shaped her life.
“Contemporary fiction at its finest. Highly recommend.”
—Chanticleer Reviews
More to come next week.
End of the Race is now available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
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