Two weeks ago, I announced the print edition of Toni Fuhrman’s One Who Loves, and reprinted my review of the e-book edition in the spring of 2016. As promised, today I’m reprinting the interview I conducted with Toni at that time.

Two weeks ago, I announced the print edition of Toni Fuhrman’s One Who Loves, and reprinted my review of the e-book edition in the spring of 2016. As promised, today I’m reprinting the interview I conducted with Toni at that time.
The Path from Writer to Author Many writers claim they only write for themselves. I was one of those once, chiefly because the whole notion of being published was beyond the power of my imagination. However, the University of Michigan’s Hopwood Awards, won by authors such as Norman Mailer, Arthur Miller, and Marge Piercy, had, […]
The story of Judith Kirscht, author of The Inheritors and Nowhere Else to Go, becoming a writer.
Judith Kirscht lives and works in the beautiful Puget Sound area. She is the author of four published works of fiction with more to come soon!