It’s time to get off the Internet and curl up with a book
—or a Kindle, Nook, Sony, Kobo or whatever.
To help, this blog will take a break until Friday, January 4, 2013
and offer two books for your (or our loved ones) reading pleasure.
A mixed-race woman’s search for her roots
in an abandoned Chicago mansion threatens the first great love of her life.
For more click here –> The Inheritors
(This one in paper only)
A story from a college town during the turmoil of the Sixties.
The voices of a school principal, parents, and children whose lives
are caught in the vortex of the storm.
For more click here –> Nowhere Else To Go
These may sound a little heavy for the holiday season, but they will draw you in and keep you turning the pages.
The perfect antidote to multitasking fatigue.
Dear Judy,
Just finding your site and reading your post about all of our children lost to destructiveness, I was very touched.
That week when all those precious children were killed had been a bad one for me. A young gal I know, Mandy, was dying from a ruptured blood clot which caused a stroke, causing paralysis and brain damage. The medical establishment after a week suggested they pull her feeding tube. I was nearly out of tears by the time the national tragedy occured, but bowed my head in grief for their pain that I had already been feeling so accutely.
I noticed that this trend of killing our children is different, there is more to it than a general culture of violence. In the ghetto, daily shootings are gang related, men against men. Shooting children has never been accepted, though they may end up the unintended victims. What we are witnessing now is the targeting of our young, our teens, and our women. Our helpfless, our vulnerable. All which have never been accepted by any standards….until that shooting of the school children in Scotland. At that point, a line was crossed.
These criminals/madmen now haunt the places where our most vulnerable go: schools, malls, theaters, grocery stores. They have suffered, so they want others to suffer as much as they have, and this is the one way they know to inflict as much pain as possible, by doing what is most unacceptable.
I certainly do not have the answers to these national tragedies, but there are a few things I do know.
First: One person can make a huge difference. Two working together unifies the one. Three strands woven together creates a braid, a rope that is stronger enough to lift up others. Working together can make a huge difference. Just like the MADD mothers, you mentioned.
Two: I worked the crisis line. I think we need a similar national program, set up locally to work with people with mental issues/feelings of low self worth/bullying, for people to call, for cousenling, monitoring, and plugging them into programs, voluntarily and mandatory if warranted. These people need to be heard, and in these call centers, they can be, finding an outlet for their pent up anger.
Three: Begin and end all things with prayer. There was a huge outpouring of prayer for Mandy, the young girl I mentioned above. Against all medical expectations, she came off the vent, feeling returned in her arms, she is trying to speak, there isn’t nearly as much brain damage as suspected, she has moved out of the ICU and is improving every day! Some things are just beyond human competence, but nothing is beyond God’s control. We can have faith in that.
The nation is now united in the need and desire to fix this problem. We need to start pushing, and blogging, writing and praying to unite us. Thank you for touching upon this topic.
I am truly sorry for the loss of your daughter, Judy, and for all parents who lose their children. They are our greatest and most precious gifts, so this is our biggest loss. May you all truly find healing.
May God Bless, direct, and help us all,
Betsy Diedrick
Arlington, WA